AquaManager Software

AquaManager – innovative, effective, successful

We are always working to develop new technology that helps us deliver on our three key objectives of minimising risk, delivering compliance and making it simple for our customers. AquaManager is a fine example of our achievements.

We are very proud of our new AquaManager reporting and analysis software suite. AquaManager is a water treatment management system that provides one central digital location from which everything relating to your water system can be easily overseen and managed. Data can be accessed at any time and from any place, giving you total control and absolute flexibility of use. It is an invaluable way to monitor Legionella levels in your water system.

Legionella control

Legionella is a serious risk in any water system and has potentially fatal consequences. A Legionella outbreak could indicate that you are not meeting your legal responsibility as a building owner, duty holder or responsible person, resulting in hefty fines or even closure of your business.

A comprehensive and successful water management plan will ensure your water system is compliant and safe. Rock Compliance gives you the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have done everything required to control Legionella and other waterborne pathogens. Our AquaManager software can play an important role in this.

For more information, please click on an image below.


AM Inventory Screenshot
AM Report Screenshot Final
AM System Summary Screenshot
Biotek 785 (Free Chlorine) Reserve
Cooling Flow Report Redacted
Reporting and analysis for the 21stcentury

Traditionally, if you wanted to carry out a service report, you had to use carbon paper or Excel files that varied from account manager to account manager, even within one company. Everyone carried out the testing slightly differently, and the reports generated varied hugely,  often lacking the detail required.

However, with AquaManager, we have introduced a new generation of water reporting, more thorough and complete than ever before. AquaManager operates on a traffic light system, whereby any issues are flagged up and data captured on the software system. A report is instantly issued to the customer and remedial action can be undertaken immediately.

This means that in the event of a Legionella outbreak, you have all the paperwork to hand to show the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) that you have responded appropriately. Data can be provided in a variety of ways, as required.  This is an excellent way to demonstrate your business’s integrity and organisational strength.

AquaManager empowers you to manage your water system more efficiently than ever before, another way that we make it simple for your business to be compliant.

Customer Case Studies brochure

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Download our case study booklet to learn more about our many successful compliance projects throughout the UK

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Whether it is an issue of compliance, an investment decision, or you are just not quite sure whether your existing provider is giving you what you want, please contact us. We will be happy to give you advice on how to create low risk compliant water systems, ensuring spend is minimised and predictable.

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