7 Mar, 2025
♀️International Women’s Day
Read More👏 Congratulations to Shaun Sinclair, who has moved from being Director of Business Improvement to take up a new role as our Director of Compliance and Technical Services.
Shaun says, “I’m really excited to be in a position to help expand and grow two of our services: Water Treatment and Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning. These continue to be big growth areas for our business and employee some best-in-class chemists, engineers and managers, not to mention the robust and efficient support teams.
“We’ve also formed the compliance hub, which will deliver technical innovation, quality control, health and safety management, and environmental governance. This is an impressive platform for our business, from which we can support the sales and operational business areas.”
These are very exciting times for Rock Compliance – watch out for more news over the coming months, as we deliver on our pledge to minimise risk, deliver compliance, and make it simple!
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